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About Us

Company Profile

JLZ+MBF Architects was founded by Architects Jean Luke Zarb and Michela Borg Francalanza in 2017. Prior to the formation of the company, the partners got to know each other through their close collaboration on various large and small scale projects, where they worked as a team from the initial inception stages through to completion. It is their common interest in architecture and structural
design that led them to form JLZ+MBF Architects.

One of our greatest achievements is the immediate growth that JLZ+MBF Architects has experienced since our establishment, being entrusted with civil and structural engineering landmark projects. Our portfolio also includes various architectural and rehabilitation projects, focusing on conservation and contemporary architectural design for both the public and private sector. We believe that architecture, structural design and the building’s context are seamlessly connected. Our ability to understand each of these components enables us to create projects tailored for each of our clients.

Our objective is to enhance the lives of the end user through the application of personalized services with the goal of creating functional, innovative and timeless solutions with truly inspired designs.

Our Services

Our services range from project brief and planning consultation, architectural and interior design, structural assessment and structural engineering, sustainable design and energy performance assessment of buildings, project supervision and property valuation.

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive service to satisfy all the needs of our clients. We approach each project with enthusiasm and seek to understand the clients’ needs and expectations. By working in close collaboration with the client and our team, we are set up to deliver.

Our Collaborators

At JLZ+MBF Architects we believe that collaboration with technical specialists is key to the success of our projects. This enables us to provide fully integrated designs and provide a vast range of services, including complex structural analysis and design, interior design, project management and MEP design.

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